Now that you’re familiar with the standard configuration options on your SmartLink Network controller, you may want to try some of the advanced options.
The Advanced Menu provides additional information and allows more technical inputs commonly used by professionals. Here's an overview of the available settings. You can save and transmit any of these settings from the “Advanced” tab of your controller settings page.
Number of Starts
This feature allows you to select the number of Start Times that you want to appear in your Program Start Times. The default number of Start Times shown is 3, however the maximum available is 8.
SLW (SmartLine Weather Sensor) Delay
SLW incorporates three features:
- DELAY: This feature allows you to adjust the factory set 48-hour watering delay that occurs after a rain event shutdown. To eliminate the delay, or reduce or increase it, select a different number of hours (0–99 hours). The delay begins after the SLW rain sensor has reset following a rain event. Accumulation of new water deficits will not begin until after the set delay has cleared.
- RAIN: The rain selection is an ON/OFF option for overriding the SLW sensor feature for selected zones. The factory default is ON for all zones.
- FREEZE: The freeze selection is an ON/OFF toggle for overriding the SLW freeze sensor feature for selected zones. Factory default is ON for all zones.
Rain Delay
Globally suspend watering operations for all programs for a selected number of days in either the BASIC or SMART watering modes. Options available are 1 to 14 days for watering suspension. The watering blackout will automatically be cleared from the controller after the assigned days have expired and watering will resume at the next available start time. SMART watering deficits will reset at zero and will not resume accumulation until the delay has ended.
Zone to Zone Delay
This function allows you to set delay times between zone starts for use in systems with slow closing valves or pump systems that are operating near maximum flow or have slow well recovery. Adjustments can be made in one-minute increments from 0 (the default setting) to 30 minutes.
Master Valve/Zone ON/OFF Delay
This function allows you to set a delay time between the opening of the master valve and the opening of the first zone valve as well as a delay between the closing of the last zone valve and the closing of the master valve.
Minimum Deficit
This feature allows a Minimum Deficit to be set. The required zone deficit must be greater than the minimum deficit setting in order to run during a scheduled program. The setting is global for all zones in SMART. The range for the global setting is 0.00 to 0.50 inches. The factory default is 0.15 inches.
Daylight Savings
Your controller can automatically adjust the time for daylight saving time (DST).
This setting is for informational and historical purposes. It does impact the functionality of the controller. When selected, an activity will be logged on the sites page each time the controller is winterized and de-winterized.
Automatically Set Time
If this is set, the overnight update will automatically set the controller time to match the server’s time zone.
Aircard Communication Error Interval
Choose how long of an interval shall pass before receiving an aircard communication error.
Uses Rain Sensor
This option allows you to select which zones the rain sensor affects. For example, planters located beneath a structure and without access to rain should not be impacted by rain sensor data.
Uses Freeze Sensor
This option allows you to select which zones the freeze sensor affects.
Uses Sensor Loop
This option allows you to select which zones the loop (internal) sensor affects.
Master Valve Enabled Active in SmartLink
This feature is used to indicate which zones will use the master valve/pump start relay. Caution, however, if an unused zone is turned ON and activates a pump start relay, the pump may overheat or cause a pipe to burst. Prevent operating a pump with no flow (dead heading) and make certain all unused zones are to OFF.
Active in SmartLink
Setting a zone to inactive in SmartLink will disable reporting, alerts, and other configuration for this zone. Use this for any un-wired (or non-existent) zones.
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