Status update on September 8. Fix has been pushed to flow aircards. Users will need to reset the running averages and disable any flow alert settings until running average re-populate (5-10 irrigation cycles. If you see very high flow rates in running average column, this indicates your aircard has been updated and you need to reset them.
If you are still experiencing the issue, please contact support.
Status update on Aug 21, 2014. Fix is in production and being pushed to aircards in groups. Contact support if you have recognized the issue and would like firmware update.
We have received reports that some Real Time Flow enabled controllers have a few zones that are not reporting flow properly. The problem is more prevalent on controllers that are using the Zone-to-Zone delay feature, and also on units with short Run time settings in the Run & Soak feature. Zones that are effected by this issue will still be shut down if a high or low flow condition is detected, but the Zones total water usage will be reported incorrectly.
We are working on a solution to this issue, and will automatically update all Flow Aircards in the field when the solution is available.
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