In your Smartlink "Communication Log", you may see certain error codes when an instruction fails to complete.
Below is a list of common error codes and what they might mean:
No Power - This error is most often associated with an Aircard that does not have power which could be related to the controller's fuse or GFCI. If the Aircard has power, check the light sequence on the front. It should be a solid green but might be flashing a 4-blink sequence of red and green. Note that sequence and double check the ICCID number to make sure it matches. If so, try rebooting the aircard for 1 minute by unplugging the controller, or popping out the fuse if the controller is hardwired. If the issue persists when you power on, take a few pictures of the aircard while standing 15' back. Then email those pictures along with the controller info and Aircard light sequence to
Aircard Could Not Activate - This error will only occur on the first receive of a newly activated unit, if that unit could not properly determine it's connection status with the ICCID that was entered. Please double-check the ICCID of the unit and try again.
NoConnectionException - We were unable to connect to the aircard via cellular connection. This may just be a temporary hiccup in the cellular network, or a power cycle may help resolve the issue.
OutOfRangeException - In some rare cases, data will be corrupted on your aircard or panel due to solar radiation or some other internal problem on your system. Most of the time we can resolve this issue by pulling the data fresh from the read-only memory (ROM) of the control panel. This will not cause your unit to lose any data. If this reset occurs and then normal communication resumes, you have nothing to worry about. If it persists, please contact support.
InstructionTimedOut - This error indicates that the controller is connecting but not responding in timely manner. Attempt re-trying your commands to see if they resolve.
NoResponseException - This error indicates that we are able to connect to your aircard, but that communication with the panel is failing. Often this it due to a loose connector between aircard and panel, or the panel door not being fully closed.
UnhandledException - This code indicates an error not falling into one of the above categories. If you see this error multiple times, please contact our support team who can help debug the specifics.
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