In Depth: ET & Auto-Adjust


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    Matt Shreves

    The sensor discs are meant to mimic the soil. When they dry out, that starts the SLW delay timer going. So let's say there is a rain event, the sensor goes into rain, then dries out, the switch on the bottom closes... That starts the 48 hour delay. During that delay the deficits are accrued but it won't irrigate. On the next water day it irrigates to the deficit all the way back to the day the sensor switch closed.
    The SLW delay is for managing soil moisture over time. An amended soil would dry out more quickly than let's say a native soil. So you would decrease the delay to 24 hours. I have some customers with properties on the beach that are set to zero because sand retained very little moisture over a short period of time.

    There is some legitimate confusion because we have an SLW delay which is a weather setting above measured in hours, and we have a rain delay measured in days, which is a command initiated by the user. It is used primarily if you have a series of thunderstorms coming through your town, you could set all of your controllers in Rain Delay for a few days; or if your plant health manager sprays some selective herbicide on the lawn and you don't want it to irrigate for a few days, you can set it for Rain Delay.

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