The SmartLink Asset Manager is a free part of the SmartLink Network Platform meant to help you keep an inventory of non-irrigation-controller equipment on your site.
It can be easily accessed via the "Assets" tab in the sub-menu of the site detail view:
Once you go into the Assets Log, you will see a list of any assets (it's probably empty if this if your first time using it), as well as an option in the top right to "Add Asset". Try clicking it!
From here you will be presented with the option to add some information about your asset.
Right now we support asset types of "Water Meter" and "Backflow Preventer". If you have a different classification of asset you'd like us to include, just let us know!
You also have the option to attach a file, if you choose. Save the asset and you should be back to your list!
From here you can review your assets or view the attachment.
To remove an asset, simply click "Edit" and then hit the "Delete" button at the top right.
We hope you find this new feature useful to your ongoing site management activities!
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